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Articles in this section don't fit into one of the other categories. Generally they are intended to be humourous.
Whether or not they are successfuly in that regard is left as an exercise for the reader.
April Fools
Three Legacy of Kain Titles Announced for 2003
An April Fools joke from 2003, in which The Lost Worlds ran the "breaking news" that three new games would be released.
2003 April Fools - Behind the Scenes
How the joke was created, including PDFs for printing your own case inserts.
2003 April Fools - Explanation and Reaction
This was the followup where the nature of the joke was revealed. It also includes selected quotes from the reaction on the forums.
2003 April Fools - Mock Press Release
The mock 'press release' for the 2003 April Fools joke.
Anacrothe's Adventures
A "lost" April Fools joke from 2001, created by Divine Shadow in association with most of Nosgothic Realm.
April Fools by Daniel Cabuco
Two images Daniel Cabuco (Legacy of Kain series artist) created as an April Fools joke in 2003.
Doll Reaver - Legacy of Turelzevir
Divine Shadow's epic April Fools joke from 2003.
Things That May Or May Not Be Funny
The 80s Goth Reaver
The Darkest Reaver of all.