Turelzevir is thoroughly convinced that he is the most evil force ever to exist, and is hell bent on taking over the world. Each failure in attaining this goal, and throughout Legacy of Turelzevir : Doll Reaver™, boy does that happen a lot, seems only to encourage him that complete and utter world domination is just around the next corner.

As destiny bounces him around the time-stream, Turelzevir learns of his mysterious past, and his intended purpose. The Doll Reaver, he discovers, is a weapon that can change which side wins the war over the history and destiny of Nosgoth, and that everyone is trying to get hold of it to tip the scales in their favour.

Forced to take sides in the growing conflict around him, Turelzevir joins the resistance against the Dark Forces as an unpredictable ally with questionable loyalties (“I am evil, I am evil, this world is mine, you all serve me, mwhahahahahahahahah!” ad infinitum) motivated by his desire to get other would be world-dominators out of the way, so he can take the spoils.

Nosgoth may not be ready for this impotent, incoherent, clichéd and, to be honest, not-as-powerful-as-he-thinks-he-is megalomaniac, but that isn’t going to stop Turelzevir!

Now leave me alone! I have a lot of scheming and evil plotting to do!


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