LEGACY OF TURELZEVIR: DOLL REAVER OFFICIAL GAME SCRIPT (FINAL DRAFT) SECTION 3.14159 (RAZIEL) “Training.” RAZIEL is running through a makeshift assault course in the swamps, leaping over tree branches, vaulting over swamp-water, and traversing high cliffs and vines. On his back, he carries the tall figure of the second VORADOR who speaks to guide him. Run! Yes. A saviour's strength flows from the forces around him. But beware... Anger... fear... aggression. Stop! RAZIEL slows and stops, letting VORADOR dismount. They are both standing outside the shadowy doors of the Dark Forge. VORADOR points to the doors. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will. RAZIEL What do you mean? VORADOR That place... is strong with the dark. A domain of evil it is. In you must never ever go. RAZIEL I’ve been in there. And out again. You’ve been in there? RAZIEL Yes. VORADOR In there? RAZIEL YES! Did you scare the birds? RAZIEL What? VORADOR The birds, outside the Dark Forge they were! Did you scare them? RAZIEL No, of course I didn’t. Why would anyone do that? VORADOR Know I do not. But some do, for some reason, choose to scare the birds. Forever does the Dark Forge dominate their destiny, consumes them it does! RAZIEL So, people go in and are never allowed to leave? How horrific! VORADOR Sad, it is. For those poor souls, there is only one escape. They must have a mysterious charm... called... the 1.02 Patch. RAZIEL The 1.02 Patch? I don’t... I don’t believe it! VORADOR That is why you fail. |