
Kain could see them, a force far more powerful than his own vessel, surrounding them, preparing to go for the kill. He was not a strategist or a manipulator, but the thought occurred that perhaps not even Moebius would get out of this predicament.
Behind him, the middle of the bridge erupted as a purple flux of energy, and as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. Standing before him, a half-smile on her face, was The Seer.
“You destroyed The Device.” she said plainly. Kain nodded.
“Yes, and the Mass, and the Hylden Gate, and the Sarafan Lord.” Kain declared just as plainly. “The list goes on. I am not going to ask how or why you have appeared here, Seer, but unless you have an advantage to bestow, you are a distraction I do not need.” he finished, and was surprised when she laughed gently at this.
“You may have to cross out the last entry on your list Kain.” and the vampire nodded in response.
“I thought I might. Since I saw the ships, out there, I have felt his presence. He’s back, isn’t he? He is leading that fleet, isn’t he?!”
“Yes. You feel his presence, as he feels yours. The two of you are linked in ways you cannot yet fathom.”
“Do you enjoy being vague and ambiguous?” he asked, slightly irritated.
“Do you enjoy being arrogant and trying to take over the world?” she retorted, still smiling. Kain smiled back.
“Haha, I suppose we must all have our little charms. Seer, banter aside, why are you here?” and with this, her face became earned, serious, and perhaps a little sad.
“You’ve streamed time before Kain, you know how convoluted such endeavours can get. Your future self…”
“No.” Kain interrupted. “Some future incarnation of myself has not done something rather foolish has he? Not like, oh-I-don’t-know, time-travel, perhaps?” and to this, The Seer paused a moment.
“You should have learned the first time how bad things can get.” she said simply.
“Oh gods…”
“Kain, your future self has travelled back to try and heal Nosgoth before the great downfall. ‘Try’ being the appropriate word, as things did not go to plan. He and his allies are in great trouble, as is the balance of everything. You must go back, Nosgoth needs your help.”
Kain turned around and looked out of the window again. The Super Sarafan Destroyer was nearly on top of them, and was quite simply the biggest thing he had ever seen.
“I played the roll of the pawn once before…”
“A roll you do not need to play again! I offer you a chance to go back, to a world that doesn’t know you are coming! Moebius, Mortanius, Ariel and their like will not be expecting you, not a pawn, not a knight, not even a piece from their chessboard. Do it Kain. Do it.”
Kain paused, and turned around to face the Seer once again.
“And the alternative, I ponder, is a battle I cannot win?”
She nodded.
“I suppose,” he said after thinking about it, “It would be worth it just to see a genuine expression of surprise on Moebius’ face”.
She smiled, and as the purple flux returned to consume her body, she whispered.
“Good luck.”
The purple flux of energy was thicker than the fog, and expanded incredibly. Within seconds, the whole vessel and was consumed within it, and a hole between times was formed. The ship, by magic beyond understanding, was sent back into Nosgoth’s past.

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